Florida Lions Eye Bank changed its name to Beauty of Sight on September 1, 2023

Browse Past Issues of Our Publications. Click The Links Below to Browse



Newsight, the official newsletter of Beauty of Sight, is published twice yearly. Each issue highlights our major activities, achievements, and participation in community events.

We also report breakthroughs in research and advances in ophthalmology, profile eye donors, and corneal transplant recipients, and acknowledge our generous financial supporters.


Click one of the links below to view an issue:

Newsight Fall 2021
Newsight Spring 2020
Newsight Summer 2019
Newsight Summer 2018
Newsight Winter 2017
Newsight Summer 2017
Newsight Summer 2016
Newsight Fall 2015
Newsight Summer 2015
Newsight Summer 2014
Newsight Summer 2013
Newsight Fall 2013
Newsight Summer 2012
Newsight Special 2012
Newsight Fall 2011

Annual Report


The Annual Report provides a review of Beauty of Sight’s finances as a 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit organization. Each edition also contains a report of all tissue recovered and distributed for transplant and research during the year.

A statement from the medical director, a transplant recipient profile, and acknowledgment of our financial donors are also included.


Click one of the links below to view:

FLEB Annual Report 2021
FLEB Annual Report 2020
FLEB Annual Report 2019
FLEB Annual Report 2018
FLEB Annual Report 2017
FLEB Annual Report 2016
FLEB Annual Report 2015
FLEB Annual Report 2014
FLEB Annual Report 2013
FLEB Annual Report 2012
FLEB Annual Report 2011
FLEB Annual Report 2010